Sao Tome Supreme Court Confirms Five Presidential Candidates

The Supreme Court of Sao Tome and Principe has confirmed the eligibility of five presidential candidates to compete in the upcoming election scheduled for July 29, the Portuguese Lusa News Agency reported on Wednesday in the country's capital Sao Tome.

The five candidates for succeeding the incumbent President Miguel Trovoada are former head of state Manuel Pinto da Costa, businessman Fradique de Menezes, former health minister Carlos Tiny, Speaker of parliament Fortunato Pires and reserve army captain Victor Monteiro, the report said.

The publication of the candidate list had been delayed for 48 hours while the court clarified doubts raised about the citizenship status of Fradique de Menezes.

The delay in announcing the candidacies had in the past few days led to bitter verbal exchanges between supporters of the two leading runners, Pinto da Costa and Fradique de Menezes.

It was reported that Pinto da Costa is backed by the ruling Movement for Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe-Social Democratic Party (MLSTP-PSD), while Fradique de Menezes wins the support of the biggest opposition Independent Democratic Action (ADI) and some smaller movements. Polls showed that the two candidates are currently leading in the campaign.

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