Chinese Union Chief Meets Austrian Delegation

Chinese Union Chief Meets Austrian Delegation
Wei Jianxing, president of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), met here Wednesday with a delegation from Austrian trade unions led by Fritz Verzetnitsch, President of the Austrian Confederation of Trade Unions (OGB).

Wei, also a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau and a member of Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that Sino-Austrian relations have developed smoothly since the two countries forged diplomatic ties in May 1971.

A continuous development of bilateral friendship and cooperation is in the common interests of workers and peoples of the two countries, Wei said.

He noted that although the two countries have different conditions, social systems and economic development situations, bilateral relations are bound to be furthered so long as they seek common ground while reserving differences and make concerted efforts with mutual respect and equal treatment.

Wei also briefed the visitors on China's domestic political and economic situations and the work done by China's trade unions.

Verzetnitsch, also President of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), said that trade unions of all countries should enhance their exchanges and cooperation when economic globalization and new- and high-tech development are accelerating.

He went on to say that OGB is ready to further its friendship and cooperation with Chinese trade unions.

He also briefed Wei on OGB and ETUC.

The delegation is here at the invitation of the ACFTU.

People's Daily Online ---