Hu Jintao Meets Rwandese Guests

Hu Jintao Meets Rwandese Guest
Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao met with a delegation of the Rwandese Patriotic Front headed by the Front's General Secretary Charles Murigande Wednesday.

Hu, also a member of the Political Bureau Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that since China and Rwanda established diplomatic relations in 1971, the two countries have carried out good exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, cultural and other fields, and have maintained mutual understanding and support in international affairs.

He said China appreciates Rwanda's decision to stick to the " one-China" principle and support of China's reunification cause.

Hu said that the CPC is willing to make concerted efforts with the Rwandese Patriotic Front to further promote the development of friendly cooperative relations between the two parties and two countries on the basis of the four principles guarding party to party relations and the five principles of peaceful coexistence.

Murigande extended the warmest congratulations to the 80th anniversary of the CPC. He said that the CPC is a great party with glorious traditions, and he is happy to share the joy of this occasion with the Chinese people.

Over the past 80 years, he said, the CPC led the people to carry out long-lasting struggles to found New China, realize industrialization and rapid scientific and technological development, provide adequate food for the 1.2 billion people, and raise the country's international status. China's development and achievements are closely related to the CPC, and the CPC is an uncontested model for all political forces fighting for the world' s development and advancement.

Murigande said that this year coincides with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Rwanda-China diplomatic relations. The Rwandese Patriotic Front and the CPC are both parties in power, and it is the hope of Rwanda to understand China 's achievements, learn from China's experience and promote common development of the two countries through the development of friendly cooperation between the two parties, and make efforts to raise Rwanda-China relationship to a new level.

Hu Jintao introduced to the guests the concept of the "three represent's" for CPC's party-building.

People's Daily Online ---