Taiwan's New Party Delegation in Beijing for Dialogue

An eight-member delegation representing the New Party of Taiwan arrived in Beijing Tuesday afternoon for its first party-to-party dialogue with the Communist Party of China (CPC) on ties between both sides of the Taiwan Straits and efforts to promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

The delegation, headed by Hsu Li-Nung, was met at Beijing's Capital International Airport by Sun Yafu, assistant director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee.

The delegation, including Wang Chien-Shien, Yok Mu-Ming and Lee Ben-Nan, is scheduled to conduct a dialogue Wednesday with the Taiwan Affairs Office.

Welcoming the delegation, Sun said the Chinese mainland has long been devoted to exchanges and dialogues with parties from Taiwan that agree to the one-China principle, oppose "Taiwan Independence" and strive for closer cross-strait relations.

The New Party has recently made clear it upholds the one-China principle and pursues the goal of national reunification. "We appreciate this," he said.

Sun described the visit to Beijing by the New Party as a good attempt by the two parties to conduct dialogue on the basis of the one-China principle and the pursuit of national reunification.

Hsu said the New Party has always adhered to the one-China principle and believes both the mainland and Taiwan are parts of China, adding that it is the common responsibility for compatriots on both sides to promote the reunification.

The delegation's current visit is aimed at opening up channels of communication with the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee for joint efforts to look for ways to the reunification.

The delegation is scheduled to leave Beijing for Taipei Friday.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/