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Tuesday, July 10, 2001, updated at 21:53(GMT+8)

Vice-Premier Meets Secretaries-General of Japan's Three Ruling Coalition Parties

China and Japan should solve issues that interfere with bilateral relations in line with understandings reached and principles set forth, and China hopes the Japanese ruling parties can make positive efforts to this end.

Chinese Vice-premier Qian Qichen made the remarks Tuesday at a meeting with a Japanese delegation led by secretaries-general of three ruling coalition parties of Japan.

They include Secretary-General Taku Yamazaki of the Liberal Democratic Party, Secretary-General Fuyushiba Tetsuzo of the Komei Party, and Secretary-General Takeshi Noda of the Conservative Party.

Qian noted that China and Japan, separated by a strip of water, boast a long history of contact, and the development of bilateral good-neighborly friendship and cooperation is in the interests of both sides and conducive to Asia and the world at large.

Taku Yamazaki said that they heard the Chinese side's opinions on the history issue, and meanwhile, they felt deeply the strong will of the two governments to develop their friendship and cooperation.

He went on to say that the Japanese government attaches great importance to the development of bilateral friendship and will try its best to solve the current issues so as to avoid any impact on bilateral friendship and cooperation.

Fuyushiba Tetsuzo and Takeshi Noda expressed their appreciation for China's reception, and their intent to make positive efforts for the promotion of bilateral ties.

The Japanese visitors arrived here Monday on a three-day visit as guests of the Chinese government.

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China and Japan should solve issues that interfere with bilateral relations in line with understandings reached and principles set forth, and China hopes the Japanese ruling parties can make positive efforts to this end.

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