Japan's Decision on Textbook Unacceptable: Chinese Education Ministry Spokesman

The Japanese government's decision on the history textbook issue is a denial and beautification of its past history of aggression and such a decision is " unacceptable," said a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Education Monday.

The Japanese government announced today that it could not satisfy China's demand for making further revision of its history textbook because there is no obvious deviation from historic fact in the book and different opinions exist among Japanese historians.

The Chinese spokesman said the decision itself defies the previous statement made by the Japanese government on history and makes excuses for the right-wing forces.

China expresses its utmost regret and strong indignation over the decision, he said.

Textbook should serve the purpose of teaching and educating students and history textbooks should reflect the true history, so as to cultivate the correct history perspectives of the youth and prevent the reoccurrence of historical tragedies, the spokesman said.

"We demand the Japanese side show respect to historical facts with concrete actions and properly handle the history textbook issue with a responsible attitude for the generations to come," he said.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/