University Adopts Flexible Semesters

Graduates from Lanzhou University this summer will not necessarily take the pains of looking for jobs. Most of them are able to choose to stay on campus and continue further study, thanks to a newly adopted policy of flexible semesters.

According to the new policy, students are allowed to pursue their studies within eight years, four more than usual. They can opt to stop regular studies temporarily to start up their own business while their status at the university is maintained.

Choices for programs of graduate and second degrees are also open to them with more ample time made available, in contrast to their peers in other universities who have to prepare for their test as early as their junior year.

Zhang Zhengguo, Dean of Studies of Lanzhou University, explained that the policy, to take effect in September, aims to improve the adaptability and comprehensive quality of university students.

Moreover, students who do business when studying at university will find themselves more mature and more determined to focus on what they choose to study, he said.

He noted that a survey showed only 60 percent of graduates can find jobs upon graduation. The flexible semesters policy will offer more job opportunities to them.

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