Chinese Top Lawmaker Meets Palestinian Guest

Chinese Top Lawmaker Meets Palestinian Guest
Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), met Thursday with Salem Zanoun, chairman of the Palestine National Council, at the Great Hall of the People.

After extending a warm welcome to Zanoun and his visiting delegation, Li said China has been one of the first countries to support the Palestine Liberation Organization and acknowledge the state of Palestine, and provided with the Palestinian people with resolute and selfless support in their struggle to restore legitimate national rights in various historical periods.

Li said China is deeply worried about the drawn-out escalation of conflicts between Israel and Palestine since last September, which has brought to Palestinian side great losses of life and property and resulted in continuous tensions in the Middle East.

China is concerned over and sympathetic with the Palestinian people for their difficulties and sufferings, the top Chinese lawmaker said.

He stressed that China is opposed to any act of abuse of armed forces that jeopardizes the safety of life and property of Palestinian civilians.

It has been proven by facts that conflicts and confrontation would only further complicate the Middle East issue, while dialogue and negotiation are the only path leading to peace, Li said.

China appreciates Palestinian leaders for their active efforts to win support and sympathy from the international community and adhere to the policy of peace negotiation, he said, adding that China welcomes all peace-brokering efforts by international community that are conducive to restoring its regional stability and reopening peace talks.

As a true-hearted friend to the Arabian people, and especially the Palestinian people, China will as always support Palestine people's righteous cause to restore legitimate national rights, and continue to work with the international community for the promotion of settlement of the Middle East issue at an earlier date, Li Peng said.

Zanoun expressed his gratitude to the NPC Standing Committee for the invitation to visit China and to Li Peng for granting audience of the delegation. He briefed Li on the latest development of the Middle East situation on behalf of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union.

He said that China has been the first country that acknowledged the state of Palestine and has always resolutely supported the righteous cause of the Palestinians. The Arab countries and the Palestine have high regards toward China and are sincerely grateful, he said.

Zanoun noted that the Middle East issue has been under pressure of power politics, and the Palestinians expect the international community to show more support to their righteous struggle to restore legitimate national rights, and China to continue to play an important role in this respect.

He spoke highly of the successful visits by President Jiang Zemin and Li Peng to Palestine in recent years, expressing satisfaction over the notable developments in bilateral relations over the years.

Buhe, vice-chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, held a talk with Zanoun Thursday prior to the meeting.

People's Daily Online ---