Senior Official Lashes out Against Lee Teng-hui's Splittist Activities

Taiwan's Lee Teng-hui is a man of sin in the Chinese history for being dead set on confronting the Chinese nation, but his attempts will never succeed, said a senior official Thursday in Beijing.

Chen Yunlin, head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the comment in an interview with Xinhua as Lee returned from the United States after making more statements about splitting the motherland.

Chen recalled that Lee first abandoned the one-China policy and then posed the divisive remark of "two states" after he came to power. What he did has severely hindered the development of the cross-Strait relations, and devastated the base and prospect of the peaceful reunification across the Strait.

Lee, who was reluctant to disappear from the historical arena, recently staged more activities of splittism, such as publishing a ghost-written book saying that he has been obsessed with the splittism, spreading remarks of splittism and fanning anti- Mainland mood in Japan and the United States.

Lee, a representative of the Taiwan independence force, has been almost madly backing the force in order to continue his divisive line.

"All the 23 million compatriots in Taiwan Province, wherever they were born, are our brothers and sisters," said Chen, "What Lee has done is against their most essential interest and would push Taiwan to catastrophe."

That Lee intentionally made the cross-Strait relations become a tense and stirred up conflict among Taiwan people would deteriorate the economic situation in Taiwan and make Taiwan people victims, said Chen.

Chen reinforced that Lee's scheme of separating Taiwan from China would never succeed, and whoever tries to do so by relying on Lee's support would never succeed either.

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