Protesters Intrude British Radar Base to Protest US NMD

More than 100 demonstrators on Tuesday broke into a major British military radar base in North Yorkshire, Northern England, which is expected to play a key role in the U.S. planned missile defense system.

Greenpeace activists entered the Menwith Hill base, near Harrogate, North Yorkshire, at early morning in protest against American plans to use it as part of the so-called "Son of Star Wars" national missile defense program.

Some have chained themselves to buildings or hidden around the site, while others are demonstrating by the main gate as workers arrive at the radar early warning complex.

North Yorkshire police say they are at the incident, and a Ministry of Defense spokesman has confirmed that some arrests have been made.

"At the moment we have 20 people on top of the radar building, 15 on top of the water tower and another 15 in various locations around the base. We will stay there for as long as we possibly can, " a BBC report here quoted a Greenpeace spokesman coordinating the protest as saying.

"There are around 20 people here on top of the tower, and other people chained down below," protester Helen Wallace told BBC Radio 4's "Today" program, saying she was among the group chained to the water tower.

"We are going to stay here continuing to make our point that Menwith Hill is part of (U.S. President George W.) Bush's dangerous Star Wars plan," she said.

Greenpeace says one group of protesters walked straight through the main gate, some carrying flags emblazoned with the message " Star Wars Starts Wars," while others dressed as missiles.

"The protest may seem drastic but the effects of the Star Wars program could be so devastating for the world that only direct action will do," one protester said at the site.

A Greenpeace activist who is at Menwith Hill said President Bush's proposed missile defense program was "a disaster."

He also called on British Prime Minister Tony Blair to turn down American requests to use British military bases.

"We urge Mr Blair not to kowtow to Bush on such a crucial issue. He must say no to U.K. involvement," he said.

He said Greenpeace had been planning the operation to enter the base for six months, but added that he had been surprised at "how easy it was to get in."

"We decided to do it today because we thought tomorrow, being American Independence Day, they would be expecting us," the Greenpeace activist said.

It was also confirmed that British, Danish and American protesters were among the group of activists occupying three areas in the Menwith Hill base.

Bush's proposed shield is intended to protect the United States and its allies from long range missile attacks.

Blair has repeatedly said he has taken no decision on whether to back the project but his spokesman has signaled broad support.

Many British experts and ordinary people are skeptical about the proposed missile shield's capability after some test failures. They also believe that the United States should not tear up key arms control treaties with Russia that bar such defenses.

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