DPRK Hails Glorious Career of CPC

Rodong Sinmun carried an editorial Sunday to greet the 80th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), hailing the party's glorious history in leading the Chinese revolution and construction.

The official newspaper of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said the founding of the CPC was a historic event of momentous significance in the Chinese revolution and the struggle of the Chinese people.

The party has triumphantly led the revolution and construction in China for the past eight decades, achieved victory in the people's revolution and founded the People's Republic of China, the first genuine people's country in the Chinese history.

By promoting revolutionary enthusiasm and the creativeness and initiative of the Chinese people, the party has changed China's appearance and built a new socialist China on its vast land where exploitation, oppression, backwardness and poverty once prevailed, the editorial said.

The party put forth policies in line with the domestic realities and the interests of the Chinese people each time when the situation became complicated and difficulties were laid before them. Without the CPC leadership, the developments in China would not have been possible, the editorial noted.

The peoples of the DPRK and China forged friendly ties long ago and have firmly supported and closely cooperated with each other in the struggle against foreign aggressors and in the efforts to speed up construction in both countries, it said.

The Korean people sincerely wish the Chinese people greater success in their drive for political stability and unity and modernization under the leadership of the CPC, the editorial concluded.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/