Application for Building Guangzhou Metro 3rd Line Approved

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the opening of the Guangzhou subway. Sources from Guangzhou Metro Corporation say that the application for building the metro 3rd Line in Guangzhou has been formally ratified by the State Council and the State Development Planning Commission, thus the metro 2nd and 3rd lines will start construction at the same time next year.

It is reported that the 35.75-km-long metro 3rd line will consist of 18 stops, with 13 stops on the main line.

Currently, the Guangzhou Metro Corporation is busy preparing for the metro 3rd line construction. According to the schedule, the corporation should finish the drafting of the feasibility study report by the end of this July and the general design for the whole line before this September, the design shall be submitted to the higher authorities for examination and approval by the end of this December, and efforts shall be made to start construction of experimental section of the 3rd line by the end of this year.

This section, 8.55 kilometers in length, will pass five stops and four intervals. Public bidding for the building of this section is also set to be completed by the end of this year.

By PD Online Staff Huang Ying

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