Bush Bans Aid to Macedonian Albanian Extremists

US President George W. Bush on Wednesday issued an executive order banning all financial and material aid to Albanian extremists in Macedonia.

Speaking to reporters at a news conference, Bush elaborated on the executive order he signed earlier in the day taking steps to stop ethnic Albanian rebels in Macedonia from being financed by US citizens.

"I have got some evidence that the ethnic Albanians, the extremists, are raising money not only in America but in Europe, and America will do our part to make sure that monies do not go to fund extremist activities that becomes a destabilizing influence for a democratically elected government in Macedonia," Bush said.

And White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the order "sends a clear message to the extremists and their supporters in the region, who actively obstruct and undermine peace and stability, that such tactics are unacceptable."

"Their violent tactics threaten U.S. and international efforts to promote regional peace and stability and pose a potential danger to U.S. military forces and other Americans supporting peacekeeping efforts," Fleischer added.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/