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Thursday, June 28, 2001, updated at 20:39(GMT+8)

Kenyan President Meets US President in Washington

Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi has held bilateral talks with U.S. President George Bush, reviewing the security situation in the Great Lakes region, the Horn of Africa and southern Sudan, the Presidential Press Service said in a news release Thursday in Nairobi.

The meeting was held on Wednesday at the Roosevelt Room in the White House in Washington DC, according to the release.

The Kenyan president attended the special session of the U.N. General Assembly on HIV/AIDS, which ended on Wednesday at the U.N. headquarters in New York.

Moi thanked the U.S. for passing the Bill on the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which affords access for African goods to the American markets, thus improving the economies of Africa.

During the meeting, Moi also appealed to the U.S. to assist African countries either bilaterally or through the global initiatives in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

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Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi has held bilateral talks with U.S. President George Bush, reviewing the security situation in the Great Lakes region, the Horn of Africa and southern Sudan, the Presidential Press Service said in a news release Thursday in Nairobi.

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