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Thursday, June 28, 2001, updated at 11:20(GMT+8)

Diarrhoea Kills 49 in Far West Nepal

An outbreak of diarrhoea has claimed at least 49 lives in three far west Nepal districts in the last several weeks, the official national news agency, quoting local health official, said June 27.

The disease outbreak caused by eating or drinking contaminated food or water claimed 21 lives in Doti, 23 in Bhajang and 5 in Baitadi, Dr. Bhoj Raj Bhatta said.

The disease has been controlled in Baitadi but has not been contained yet in Doti and Bhajang. Such outbreaks are common during the monsoons. Faith of locals in traditional healers like dhamis and jhakris is compounding efforts to control the spread of the disease, Dr.Bhatta said.

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An outbreak of diarrhoea has claimed at least 49 lives in three far west Nepal districts in the last several weeks, the official national news agency, quoting local health official, said June 27.

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