China to Focus on 80,000 yuan Economical Cars

China is to focus on developing economical cars priced around 80,000 yuan to meet the growing demand of private purchasing as is lately reported by news media.

This kind of car will be designed to meet state standards on security, energy saving, emission and private use, with a discharge amount under 1.3 litre and fuel consumed every hundred kilometers reaching advanced level in China.

Economical car is a developing focus in China's auto industry in coming five years, official says. An 80,000 yuan price is predicted according to factors as developing trend of domestic and overseas markets, current domestic price level and WTO impact. Presently economical cars refer to those priced within 100,000 yuan.

Survey shows that economical cars would become pillar products of future markets. According to the 10th Five-year Plan (2001-2005) of China's auto industry, by 2005 the predicated car demand would reach 1.1 to 1.2m, with an output around 1.1m to meet the demand. The plan also calls for an earlier release of unified car consumption policy to expand private purchasing.

By PD Online Staff Li Heng

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