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Tuesday, June 26, 2001, updated at 08:37(GMT+8)

Russian Military Reform to Show Results in 2005: Minister

Initial results of Russia's military reform will appear in 2004-05, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper published Monday.

"Under the most optimistic expectation, the first visible fruit of the military reform will appear" by the years of 2004 to 2005, Ivanov said.

Most of the cuts in the Russian army are planned in 2002-2003, Ivanov said, adding that "a result of the reduction of financial resources will appear for the purchase of new weapons and hardware. "

The Russian armed forces have already adopted a three-service structure -- ground troops, the air force and the navy, Ivanov said.

Efforts are concentrated now on forming the chief command of ground troops, transforming the strategic missile troops, creating space troops, and merging Volga and Urals military districts into the Volga-Urals district, he said.

"The draft state program of armament for 2001-2010 envisions concrete measures for supporting defense sector enterprises that manufacture priority arm systems and military hardware."

"It is planned to prepare in the same period serial production for re-equipment of the armed forces by new generation specimens of weapons and military hardware after the year 2010," Ivanov said.

He also said that no changes in the portfolios of deputy defense ministers were planned, but changes were possible "at a lower level."

"First, there are vacant posts, such as the Moscow military district commander. I think we shall solve this question within two months," Ivanov said.

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Initial results of Russia's military reform will appear in 2004-05, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper published Monday.

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