Macao Hosts International Dragon-boat Race

Caiquejees from Nanhai City of south China's Guangdong Province swept both the man's and women's titles at the 2001 Macao International Dragon-boat Open Tournament Monday.

The navy team of the Philippines and the team of the Macao Public Security Police took the second and the third places, respectively, in the man's race.

Hong Kong and Tianjin teams placed second and third in the women's event.

A total of 48 teams from worldwide took part in the race on an artificial lake opposite to the Lisboa Casino, the most famous gambling house in Macao, in downpours.

Dragon-boat race is a traditional Chinese sport to commemorate the Chinese patriotic poet Qu Yuan who lived in the Kingdom Chu more than 2000 years ago. Macao sponsors the race every year.

People's Daily Online ---