Jiangsu to Span Yangtze with a 16,000m Bridge

Approved by the State Council, the municipal government of Nantong City of Jiangsu Province has decided to build a cable expressway bridge of the longest main span in China over the Yangtze River.

A two-way bridge, in 6 lanes, is to be built at a length of around 16,000 meters. It will be run with a transportation capacity of 70,000 vehicles daily and able for all-weather passing of the 4th and 5th generation container ships. It will link up the Nanjing-Nantong Highway and coastal highway on the north and connects with Shanghai-Nanjing Highway, Suzhou-Jiaxing-Hangzhou Expressway (under construction) and expressway along the Yangtze River to the south.

As one among the nation's first batch of 14 opening coastal cities, Nantong has seen rapid development of transportation infrastructure in recent years, with civil and helicopter airports built and railway and expressway constructed. But passage over the Yangtze River remains a bottleneck for economic development.

Construction of the bridge will cut the distance between Nantong and Shanghai as well as southern parts of Jiangsu Province, introduce Nantong into Shanghai economic ring to inject fresh energy into the industrialization, urbanization and modernization drive of Nantong, central and northern parts of Jiangsu.

By PD Online Staff Li Heng

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