UN Approves 69 Claims From Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait

The United Nations approved awards of over 842 million U.S. dollars for 69 separate claims arising from Iraq's 1990-1991 invasion and occupation of Kuwait, a UN spokesman said Thursday.

A Geneva-based U.N. panel charged with disbursing payments for damages arising from Iraq's invasion approved the compensations to Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Syria for claims concerning environmental monitoring and assessment, the spokesman said.

Up to now, the panel, which is saving 25 percent of Iraq's oil revenues, has awarded over 35.4 billion dollars to successful claimants.

In a related development, the U.N. Security Council met in closed-door consultations on the Secretary-General's latest report on missing Kuwaiti property since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, which came out last week.

Following the consultations, council President Anwarul Chowdhury of Bangladesh said the council scheduled an open meeting on Iraq on June 26.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/