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Friday, June 22, 2001, updated at 09:16(GMT+8)

Palestinian Losses Hit 5.2 Billion Dollars Due to Israeli Closures

A senior Palestinian official said on Thursday that Palestinian losses due to the Israeli closure and military aggressions have reached 5.2 billion U.S. dollars by mid- June since the eruption of intifada (uprising) against Israeli occupation late September.

Palestinian Finance Minister Mohammed Zuhdi Nashashibi told reporters here that the losses occurred in all sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing industries, electricity, water, construction, trade, transport and communications, monetary brokerage, tourism and foreign exchanges.

Besides, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has shouldered additional heavy burden in sectors of health, security, civil services, education, infrastructure and compensations to workers who lost their jobs, which has amounted to 686 million dollars, he added.

The Palestinian minister said that the losses resulting from production suspension reached 3.57 billion dollars, while the losses of national wealth stood at 670 million dollars, the additional burdens 686 million, funds frozen by the Israeli side 190 million and annual subsidies to families of martyrs, disabled and detainees 80 million.

The PNA is no longer able to bear such losses that exceed the total income of the PNA for five years, Nashashibi said, urging the Arab countries and international community to give a helping hand.

The PNA has started to work with the international tribunals to force Israel to pay compensations for all the losses suffered by the Palestinian economy, he pointed out.

The PNA needs more than three years to restore what the Israeli occupation forces have destroyed, he added, noting that there is a possibility to cut down the reconstruction period if the Palestinians have sufficient funds and conducive environment for security and stability.

As for the Palestinian revenues of taxes and customs frozen by Israel, the Palestinian minister said that contacts were underway to release the funds. He expressed hope that the money would be transferred to the PNA within the coming ten days if the situation witnessed detente.

Asked about the ability of the Palestinians to continue their intifada against the backdrop of such losses, Nashashibi said the Palestinian people derived their power from their strong will and determination.

"The Palestinian people is determined to go on with their resistance of the Israeli occupation whatever the costs and sacrifices might be," he added.

He reiterated his appeal for more Arab assistances to help alleviate the Palestinian sufferings.

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A senior Palestinian official said on Thursday that Palestinian losses due to the Israeli closure and military aggressions have reached 5.2 billion U.S. dollars by mid- June since the eruption of intifada (uprising) against Israeli occupation late September.

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