Chance for Cooperation Between Taiwan, Chinese Mainland

A scholar from Taiwan called for close cooperation between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland in the development of herbal medicine, electromechanics, animal husbandry and tourism industry.

Taiwan and the Chinese mainland complement each other in the areas of manpower, resources and technology and, moreover, people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are the descendants of the Chinese nation and they share a common language, said Fu Feng- cheng, a professor with the Chung Hua Institute of Economic Research in Taiwan, at an international seminar on development in western China.

In recent years, Taiwan became more dependent on the Chinese mainland in economic and trade growth. Its export to the mainland ranked second, only next to the United States.

He advised Taiwan businessmen to invest in the cultivation and processing of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs in western China, as the region is rich in herbal plants. They should also invest in power projects in western China when growth in Taiwan has dim prospects.

Taiwan must open its agricultural market and co-develop tourist resources in western China, he said.

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