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Wednesday, June 20, 2001, updated at 16:42(GMT+8)

Chinese Children to Show 1,000m Painting Scroll in Lausanne

Chinese Children to Show 1,000m Painting Scroll in Lausanne
Carrying with them the earnest hope of all Chinese juveniles, the Chinese Children Olympic Bidding Delegation, teamed by six Chinese Young Pioneers from various nationalities of China, set off for Lausanne, Switzerland on June 19, to voice their support for Beijing's bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games.

A 1,000-meter-long painting scroll, covered with drawings by some 1 million children of 12 Chinese cities from April-June 2001, will also be carried to Lausanne, to show their love for China and the Olympic Games.

During the five-day trip, the Chinese children will visit the Olympic Museum and the UN Geneva organization, and display the long scroll to local public organizations.

As the sponsor of this activity, board chairman of the Nestle (China) Ltd. also expressed his best wishes to Beijing's bid.

By PD Online Staff Huang Ying

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Carrying with them the earnest hope of all Chinese juveniles, the Chinese Children Olympic Bidding Delegation, teamed by six Chinese Young Pioneers from various nationalities of China, set off for Lausanne, Switzerland on June 19, to voice their support for Beijing's bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games.

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