5,000 Serbs Demand Milosevic's Release

Around 5,000 supporters of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic took to streets on June 16, demanding his release and opposing his extradition to the international tribunal in The Hague.

Organized by the Socialist Party of Serbia, which Milosevic chairs, the demonstrators shouted slogans like "Against The Hague" and "For the Freedom of Slobodan."

Ivica Daccich, vice chairman of the party, spoke to the crowd that the party was strongly against extraditing any Yugoslav citizen to the international court.

The protesters first gathered in the central Republic Square, and later marched toward the prison where Milosevic was kept.

The rally came two days after the Yugoslav government adopted a draft bill which would allow Milosevic to be extradited to The Hague, where he has been indicted for war crimes.

The former Yugoslav leader was arrested on April 1 on charges of power abuse and corruption, and his trial has not started yet.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/