Epic TV Drama 'Long March' Premiered in Beijing

'Long March', an epic TV drama depicting the well-known long march in the history of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), was premiered June 14 in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

The TV play, as one of ten suchlikes to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the CPC, will be shown at the golden time starting from June 18 via CCTV channel, the state's central television station.

Thanks to six months' shooting by state-of-the-art playwright-directors, photographers, cast, dressing-up and producers, the play will present a panorama of the Red Army's heroic conducts and activities during the long march like conquering the snowcapped mountains and wading through the wetlands by traversing along the road the Red Army actually crossed. There is also a breakthrough in the shaping of characters in the play. Actors Tang Guoqiang, Liu Jin and Wang Wufu scored a success in playing the roles of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Zhu De between the historic and artistic realities and were greatly appreciated by leaders and experts.

By PD Online staff member Li Heng

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