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Thursday, June 14, 2001, updated at 08:31(GMT+8)

India, Iran to Conduct Feasibility Study on Pipeline Option

India and Iran have decided to engage international companies to conduct feasibility studies on offshore and overland pipeline options for supply of Iranian natural gas to India.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said Wednesday that this decision was taken after the fourth meeting of Indo-Iran Committee on transfer of Iranian gas to India held here on June 11 and 12.

She said that these studies are expected to be completed in about 12 months and the two governments expect to take view of either of the options after these reports have been submitted.

Petroleum Minister Ram Naik said that the issue of the pipeline passing through Pakistan could be discussed during the forthcoming visit of Pakistan Chief Executive Pervez Musharraf to India.

Both sides agreed that the transfer of Iranian gas to India was a bilateral Indo-Iran project and reviewed the work of the Joint committee since its last meeting in Teheran.

India has so far not favored an overland pipeline passing through Pakistan in view of security reasons while Iran has been suggesting the land option since it would be cost effective.

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India and Iran have decided to engage international companies to conduct feasibility studies on offshore and overland pipeline options for supply of Iranian natural gas to India.

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