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Wednesday, June 13, 2001, updated at 20:23(GMT+8)

Southern China Releases Over 12 Million Shrimps, Fish Fries into Sea

Marine and fishing departments in Zhuhai, in southern China's Guangdong province, have released over 10 million young prawns into the South Sea to replenish marine prawn resources.

The shrimps released Monday are about 7.2 centimeters long and the survival rate is expected to be 60 percent, according to local officials.

In the province's coastal city of Zhanjiang, over 2.6 million young shrimps and fish fries have been released into the sea along the region over the past week.

Zhanjiang has released about 20 million young prawns and other types of shrimps, including 8.9 million shrimps and 11.3 million freshwater fish fries and 315 tons of seashell into the sea since 1995.

The province has maintained its annual catch of aquatic products at the level of 1995 during the past six years in a bid for sustainable aquatic production.

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Marine and fishing departments in Zhuhai, in southern China's Guangdong province, have released over 10 million young prawns into the South Sea to replenish marine prawn resources.

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