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Tuesday, June 12, 2001, updated at 14:09(GMT+8)

US Condemns Reported Beheading of American Held by Rebels

The US government has condemned the reported beheading of an American held by Muslim guerrillas in the Philippines and called for the unconditional release of all hostages.

The Abu Sayyaf rebels said in a radio broadcast in Manila that they had executed Californian Guillermo Sobrero, one of three Americans held on southern Basilan Island.

The US embassy in Manila said in a statement that America holds the Abu Sayyaf group responsible for the safety and welfare of all the people it is holding.

It also called for the safe, immediate and unconditional release of the innocent persons being held.

The Abu Sayyaf, self-proclaimed Islamic independence fighters, are also holding two other Americans and 25 Filipinos.

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The US government has condemned the reported beheading of an American held by Muslim guerrillas in the Philippines and called for the unconditional release of all hostages.

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