Israeli Army Claims Killing of Palestinian Women "Mistake"

Israeli army chief of staff Shaul Mofaz on Sunday claimed that the killing of three Palestinian women in the Gaza Strip overnight was "probably a technical error," Israel Radio reported.

"It's very possible that there was a mistake and they used the wrong range. That is under investigation," Mofaz said.

He added that "it is night, it is dark, you are fired upon and it is possible to make a mistake."

A joint investigation with the Palestinians was needed to find the causes of the incident, he said.

The three Palestinians were staying in their Bedouin tent while an Israeli tank shell hit them, which also wounded four other members of the family. The three were the first fatalities since Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat announced a ceasefire.

The fragile truce held in the past week but such an incident would surely ruin mutual confidence. Hundreds of angry Palestinians participated in the funeral march for the three women in Gaza on Sunday, protesting against the killing.

Initially, Israel claimed "the soldiers only returned fire after identifying two armed figures in an open area near Netzarim, who were shooting at three Israeli army outposts in the Netzarim settlement."

However, after witnesses said that they never heard any shooting at that time, Israel expressed its regret on the deaths.

Ra'anan Gissin, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon' top press aide, said on Sunday that "we regret every loss of life," but he emphasized that it was not clear how the women died.

Observers pointed out that the conflicting statements showed a consistent model of Israel's reactions to such incidents: firstly, denying it; if the denial could not stand anymore, admitting that Israeli soldiers made mistakes, but due to "complex situations."

Visiting U.S. Mideast envoy William Burns earlier expressed regret and offered condolences to the victims' family.

"We believe that the Israeli army should ensure that the response to any gunfire emanating from Palestinian areas minimizes the danger to the lives and property of Palestinian civilians," Burns said in a statement.

Meanwhile, it was reported that four mortar shells were fired Sunday night at greenhouses near the Jewish settlement of Kfar Darom in the Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported.

It was not immediately clear whether the mortar attacks were the retaliation for the killing of the Palestinian women.

People's Daily Online ---