Oil Spills From Naval Tanker off Russia's Sakhalin Island

An oil spill from the tanker Vishera of the Russian Pacific Fleet has stretched over 1.5 kilometers along the southern coast of the Sakhalin Island, in Russia's Far East.

The Interfax quoted regional emergency department as saying that the leakage occurred in small hours of Wednesday off the Krilyon Cape in the southern Sakhalin

Weather forecasters from a station near the accident site radioed that when diesel fuel was being pumped from the tanker to the tanks of a local army unit, a hose was torn causing the leak of 10 to 15 tons of diesel fuel.

The size of the oil spill along the eastern coast of the Krilyon Cape is estimated at 1,000-1,500 meters, the agency said.

However, the Pacific Fleet reported only 1.5-2 tons of fuel had spilled.

According to Interfax, a team of environmental experts is flying to the zone to define the true scale of the accident.

Meanwhile, a KAMAZ truck, with equipment and sorbents on board, is leaving for the area to remove the oil film from the sea surface and coast.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/