Yugoslav Army Denies Links to "Refrigerator Truck Case"

The Yugoslav army denied any connection to the "refrigerator truck case," which has been confirmed by the Serbian Interior Ministry, according to a public announcement released by the Yugoslav army news bureau Monday.

The announcement said that a "reliable source" from the Serbian Interior Ministry has, for the third time, spread rumors on a fabricated story that high-level military leaders as well as soldiers in the Yugoslav army were involved in the refrigerator truck case.

However, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia when the case reportedly occurred, the Serbian police forces were not under the control of the Yugoslav army. Therefore, the Yugoslav army knew nothing about the operations of the Serbian Interior Ministry at that time, let alone the refrigerator truck case, said the announcement.

Serbian Interior Minster Dusan Mihajlovic said in late May that a refrigerator truck containing 86 bodies was found in the Danube River on April 6, 1999. But details have not been provided.

Word from the Serbian Interior Ministry said the Yugoslav army was ordered to dump the bodies into the Danube River to destroy evidence of war crimes. The Serbian Interior Ministry also alleged that former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was involved in the case.

In response, the Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj told Parliament on Wednesday that the Serbian Interior Ministry is fabricating the case in an attempt to make new allegations to hasten Milosevic's indictment to the Hague for trial.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/