Chinese Court Upholds Death Sentence for Former Police Chief

The former police chief of Liuzhou city in southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has been sentenced to death for bribery and illegal possession of weapons, according to a final ruling of the regional Higher People's Court delivered Friday.

Yu Ding, former head of the Public Security Bureau of Liuzhou, was sentenced to death by the Intermediate People's Court of Liuzhou last December, and he appealed to the higher court for a review of the verdict.

The regional court also upheld the 15-year jail term for Yu's wife Chen Hong, who was found guilty of taking bribes as an accomplice to Yu.

According to the courts, Yu had taken 2.296 million yuan in bribes on 18 occasions between November 1995 and March 1999 from a man named Jiang Qiang. In exchange, he provided protection for Jiang's gambling business.

Yu also took RMB yuan and Hong Kong dollars worth 251,000 yuan in total from two unidentified persons.

The court found Yu guilty of illegally possessing one sports pistols, two sports rifles and 450 pistol bullets as well.

People's Daily Online ---