Macao Fishermen Stop Operation During Summer Ban

Macao fishermen started to quit their job Friday to comply with a regular fishing ban in the summer in the South China sea.

According to sources from the Fishermen Association of Macao, the two-month ban will involve about 300 fishing vessels, which have already berthed at a local harbor.

The fish price will be slightly higher, but the ban will cause no serious influence on the market supplies in Macao, thanks to the fact that part of the sea fish also grew up through artificial breeding, the sources said.

China's Ministry of Agriculture bans trawling and purse seine fishing in certain inshore areas every summer to preserve marine resources.

The ban will reduce the income of Macao fishermen, who, however, give the consent that it is conducive to protecting fishing resources and safeguarding their harvests in the future. They will take advantage of the period to repair their boats and nets.

People's Daily Online ---