Sudan, Syria Sign Joint Communique to Condemn Israeli Policies

Sudan and Syria on Thursday signed a joint communique to denounce the aggressive Israeli policies and express firm support for the Palestinian intifada (uprising) against Israel and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The communique was signed by the two sides, headed by visiting Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa Miro and Sudanese First Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha.

It called for the return of the Palestinian refugees back to their homes and for dismantling Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories and Syria's Golan Heights, a strategic plateau occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War.

"A just and comprehensive peace can be achieved only upon implementation of the international legitimacy resolutions and full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories, the Golan Heights and the remaining part of south Lebanon," it said.

The Syrian prime minister arrived in Khartoum on Tuesday on a three-day visit for talks on bilateral cooperation in politics, economy and culture.

During the meetings of a joint ministerial commission, the two sides signed 15 cooperation agreements and memorandums of understanding in political, economic, commercial, health, cultural and other fields.

In addition, the two countries also concluded an agreement for political cooperation and coordination between their foreign ministries.

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