China to Check a Rebound of Pollution

Pursuant to a pure corporate or local economic benefits there has been found a rebound of industrial pollution and a worse ecological situation has even appeared in some areas in China recently.

Sources from the State Environmental Protection Bureau (SEPB) say that according to a survey conducted on seriously polluted areas and river reaches enterprises on the rebound are up to over 10 percent and a 15 percent has even been revealed in some provinces. About 30 percent closed factories had gone back to illegal production and pollution. Water quality in some areas in the first quarter has even shown a deterioration of the situation than any season of last year.

Therefore, fighting against industrial pollution has become a top concern on government agenda. The SEPB has taken strict measures to clear up and close those polluters and see to it that severe punishments be meted out to all new and old law breakers in protecting China's eco-environment.

By PD Online staff member Yin Zhili

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