Taiwan People Protest on Chen Anniversary

Taiwan People Protest on Chen Anniversary
Over 3000 people staged a "May 20 Peaceful Demonstration" under heavy rain, calling for Taiwan authorities to follow "One China" principle by resuming cross-Straits negotiations and stopping buying arms from the US so as to boost the island economy.

Wearing raincoats and red bands carrying "peaceful demonstration" on their foreheads, the marchers waved banners and shouted slogans as "Waving policies, Collapsing economy", "Follow 'One China', Resume negotiations", " Want 'Three Direct Links' ", " Stop arms from US, Boost Taiwan economy" etc.

A marcher said that Taiwan authority should use money on improving economy and promoting employment, instead of buying arms and "disasters" from the US.

Another marcher voiced his disappointment toward the Democratic Progressive Party, who once believed the Party would bring stability and prosperity to the island province when it took the place of KMT one year ago.

By PD Online staff member Li Heng

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/