Xinhua Commentary on Dalai's Abortive Plot

Xinhua News Agency published a commentary titled "Hypocritical Face and Bloody Nature" Friday, condemning the Dalai clique for its conspiracy to coerce a young Tibetan lama into committing suicide through self-immolation.

This situation has once again exposed the hypocritical nature of the Dalai Lama as a "guardian of human rights" and his belief in "nonviolence," comments an unnamed Xinhua reporter.

It is common knowledge that in old Tibet, under the reign of Dalai, serfs, who made up 95 percent of the Tibetan population, did not own any farmland, grazing land or property. Of these serfs, five percent were slaves who had no personal freedom, according to the commentary.

The old Tibet was a place with few human rights in the world, while the Dalai Lama was the most powerful serf-owner, who not only had deprived the masses of serfs of their personal freedom but also was free to deprive serfs and slaves of their lives, the commentary says.

In 1959, the Dalai clique led an armed rebellion and carried out activities to split the motherland in order to safeguard serfdom, which was a practice similar to that in the Middle Ages in Europe, the commentary says.

Since then, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and his separatist group have used various means and ways to spread a succession of rumors aimed at splitting the motherland, it notes.

The commentary said that in recent years, the Dalai Lama and his separatists have been trying to sway international opinion and influence well-meaning people, disguised as a "guardian of human rights" and waving the banners of "peace" and "nonviolence" in the international arena. But rumors can't cover up the facts, it stressed.

The Dalai Lama and his group have never considered the peace and welfare of the Tibetan people or the development of Tibet; on the contrary, they have tried every way possible, even sacrificing the life of a Tibetan compatriot, to cling to their rule over Tibetan people and to once again deprive Tibetan people of their basic human rights, the commentary noted.

The bloody, abortive self-immolation incident masterminded by the Dalai Clique has once again made the public clearly see that underneath the hypocritical face of the "guardian of human rights, " the fourteenth Dalai Lama is hiding his savage nature that allows him to cruelly waste human life, endanger society, trample on human rights and split the motherland, it said.

The Xinhua commentary warned that it is absolutely impossible for the Dalai and his separatist clique to succeed in their attempts to curb the development of Tibet and split the motherland, no matter what masquerade they try to play.

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