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Friday, May 18, 2001, updated at 09:02(GMT+8)

East Asian Games Launch Cleanup Campaigns

The third East Asian Games will launch a series of cleanup campaigns near the major venues before and during the games which are slated for May 19-27.

Some 20,000 volunteers will be involved in the campaigns. The organisers of the East Asian Games said the campaigns are launched to keep with one of its basic policies to host a Games characterized by a symbolic relationship between people and the environment.

The organisers have stressed the need to conserve energy resources and to run operations in ways that harmonize with nature.

It is also the slogan of the Osaka 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee.

Osaka, together with Beijing, Toronto, Istanbul and Paris, are competing to host the 2008 summer Olympic Games.

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The third East Asian Games will launch a series of cleanup campaigns near the major venues before and during the games which are slated for May 19-27.

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