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Friday, May 11, 2001, updated at 16:13(GMT+8)

Wang Zhizhi to Join the 3rd East Asian Games

Wang Zhizhi to Join the 3rd East Asian Games
Wang Zhizhi, a Chinese national team center who are serving the Dallas Mavericks of the US NBA (National Basketball Association), will return to Chinese National Basketball Team for the participation in the third East Asian Games to be held in Osaka, Japan on May 19, said Yang Shuan, chief of Athletics Office of China State General Sports Administration and deputy chief of Chinese sports delegation on Thursday.

Xu Minfeng, vice secretary-general of Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) also said that Wang Zhizhi will come back to Chinese National Basketball Team when the games between Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spur come to an end. Thus the short two-month contract signed between Wang and Dallas Mavericks will be terminated.

Xu revealed that Wang is to take part in the matches as a member of Chinese National Basket Team after his return to China. The Chinese National Basket Team will participate in the Asian Basketball Tournament in Shanghai this July.

Whether Wang will return to Dallas or not, is still not very sure, Xu said. Wang will also take part in the National Games on behalf of Bayi Team, and then, to be engaged in a new round of CBA games. Since the NBA calendar clashes with the CBA events, whether Wang will be able to continue his career in Dallas Mavericks still tends for a further talk.

Dallas Mavericks now is 0:3 behind to San Antonio Spur in the second round of enhanced season games. In NBA history, there sees no record of a successive victory to get round on a 0:3 occasion.

By PD Online staff member Du Minghua

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Wang Zhizhi, a Chinese national team center who are serving the Dallas Mavericks of the US NBA (National Basketball Association), will return to Chinese National Basketball Team for the participation in the third East Asian Games to be held in Osaka, Japan on May 19, said Yang Shuan, chief of Athletics Office of China State General Sports Administration and deputy chief of Chinese sports delegation on Thursday.

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