China to Open First "Science and Technology Week"

Sources from the Ministry of Science and Technology say that approved by the State Council, the "Science and Technology Week" will be held in the third week of every May since this year, to develop mass academic activities on a nationwide scale.

The first "Science and Technology Week", which is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Publicity Department of CCCPC, and China Association for Science and Technology, will be held in Beijing on May 14-20.

Centering on the theme "Science and Technology Close at Hand", a series of activities will be conducted in Beijing. This includes competition of science and technology for students of primary and middle schools, popularization of scientific activities by college students, technological reform and renovation for enterprises, and scientific knowledge spread to countryside, and what not.

In addition, many local activities will also be held in other cities and regions, such as Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Sichuan and Shandong Provinces during the period.

By PD Online staff member Huang Ying

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