Taiwan Leader Is Leading Taiwan to Crisis

The signed article, titled "Taiwan Leader Is Leading Taiwan to Crisis", is published in the May issue of Cross-Strait Relations, a magazine run by the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS). Following is the full text of this article:

The leader of the Taiwan authorities took office a year ago. He promised the general public of Taiwan a so-called upswing long-range perspective, seriously indicating that he had the "sincerity" and "goodwill" to improve cross-Strait relations. Now, a year has passed, what the Taiwan people see is that in Taiwan, the political situation continues to be in a tumult, the economic situation is deteriorating rapidly, people's wealth is shrinking dramatically, and the unemployment rate is rising steeply; with regard to cross-Strait relationship, the "sincerity" and "goodwill" of the new leader of Taiwan authorities remain in empty phraseology, while his actual deeds have all along been the root cause of tension in the relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and have caused new conflicts.

Over the past year, the mainland has repeatedly appealed to the leader of the Taiwan authorities to accept the one-China principle, acknowledge the "consensus (1992 Consensus) reached between the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and Straits Exchange Foundation(SEF)" on adherence to the one-China principle by the two sides of the Straits, expressed verbally by both sides respectively. Doing so is aimed at affirming the basis for the steady development of cross-Strait relations and, on this basis restoring dialogs and consultations, so as to improve and develop cross-Strait relations, strive for a peaceful and stable environment and create a prospect featuring common development and march toward reunification and prosperity of the two sides of the Straits. However, the leader of the Taiwan authorities so far still refuse to accept the one-China principle and to acknowledge the "1992 Consensus", this has led to the loss of the basis for cross-Strait dialogs and negotiations and made it impossible to restore dialogs and negotiations, cross-Strait political deadlock has therefore continued and is shrouded in haze.

Over the past year, the majority of Taiwan compatriots have given no support to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and have thus made great contributions to stabilizing cross-Strait relations. Terrified and frightened by this, the splitting forces have intensified their separatist activities. Not long ago, Xu Wenlong, Jin Meiling and several other "Taiwan independence" scum brazenly sang in chorus with Japan's right-wing forces, shamelessly prettified Japanese militarists' past colonial rule in Taiwan, and ruthlessly trampled on the personality and dignity of Taiwan compatriots. The leader of the Taiwan authorities shielded and exculpated these acts. In late March, several groups of "Taiwan independence" forces inside and outside Taiwan Island gathered together to hold a so-called worldwide Taiwanese meeting, at which those old-line, diehard and extreme "Taiwan independence" elements vigorously clamored about "formulating a new constitution" and establishing a "Taiwan republic". The leader of the Taiwan authorities led a large group of officials to attend and gave it support; he himself also expressed his true feelings to this group of "Taiwan independence" core members, thus laying bare the hypocrisy of his "goodwill".

Over the past year, the mainland has continued to promote the development of cross-Strait economic exchanges and cooperation, and repeatedly called for an early realization of direct "three exchanges" (exchange of mail, trade and air and shipping services) between the two sides of the Straits, so as to satisfy the wishes of the compatriots of Taiwan and the mainland. In last year alone, Taiwan earned from the mainland a trade surplus worth US$20 billion and external sales orders (including those from the Hong Kong region) worth US$28.7 billion. Undoubtedly, this has greatly benefited Taiwan in expanding business opportunity for its enterprises, promoting employment of local people and economic development. Going against the development trend of cross-Strait economic and trade relations, the Taiwan authorities continue to cling to their "no haste, be patient" policy, and refuse to open direct cross-Strait "three links". This can only deprive Taiwan of the vast market, abundant resources and the heartland on which Taiwan depends for its economic development, and forfeit the good prospect for Taiwan's economy.

Over the past year, the Taiwan authorities have cherished the hope that someday the United States could change its one-China policy and pass the so-called law on strengthened Taiwan security. At the same time, they have notably quickened their pace of wanton armament expansion, they are especially anxious to get the "Aegis" system and other advanced weapons and equipment, undermine China-US relations, make forward point-blank military deployment against the mainland, so as to seek for confrontation by " conducting a decisive battle outside the border". These adventurous acts can only further aggravate the tension along areas of the Taiwan Straits and lead Taiwan to crisis.

Over the past year, the leader of the Taiwan authorities have frequently shouted for "Taiwan people to stand up", however, he does not want Taiwan compatriots to stand together with the entire Chinese nation, but rather he wants them to stay away from their own kins and leave them to suffer, the leader of the Taiwan authorities put the slogan "love Taiwan" only in word, but what he does actually harms Taiwan.

Recently, the leader of the Taiwan authorities declared, "the worst period of Taiwan has been over". In fact, the root cause of the tense situation in the Taiwan Straits he brought about has not been eliminated and the haze enveloping the cross-Strait relations has not dispersed. The leader of the Taiwan authorities can really achieve the opportunity of peace, stability and "upswing" only when he mends his ways, does away with the infatuation of "Taiwan independence", accepts the one-China principle, and acknowledges the (1992 Consensus". Otherwise, the "worst period" he has brought about will, far from being over, lead to one crisis after another.

This signed commentary is carried on Page 3 of People's Daily (Overseas Edition) on April 30

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