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Sunday, April 29, 2001, updated at 10:45(GMT+8)

NATO Holds Joint Military Exercise in Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia

Military forces from four NATO countries -- Italy, Holland, Poland and the United States -- began a series of joint military exercises Saturday in the Balkans with Albania, Romania and Argentina.

Albania and Romania are among the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led "Partnership for Peace" ( PFP) program while Argentina is not a PFP country.

Infantry soldiers, parachutists, commandos and armed police from these countries are participating in the military exercises in Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

During the exercise in Elbasan, central Albania, the troops are practicing search for illegal weapons, escort for armed motorcades and patrolling.

A spokesman for the Albanian defense ministry said the main purpose of the exercises is to display NATO's ability to stabilize the Balkan situation and enhance cooperation among PFP countries in peacekeeping operations.

The exercises are scheduled to end on May 10.

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Military forces from four NATO countries -- Italy, Holland, Poland and the United States -- began a series of joint military exercises Saturday in the Balkans with Albania, Romania and Argentina.

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