China to Set up Three Civil Aviation Groups via Reorganization

Civil Aviation Administration of China Friday disclosed for the first time that the reorganization program of civil aviation enterprises has been fixed up in which three aviation groups will be formed with Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines as their respective mainstay.

With Air China at the core, the first group will tie up with Chengdu-based China Southwest Airlines and China National Aviation Corporation in Beijing as supplements. The gross assets of the group after reorganization will add up to over 56 billion yuan. Having 118 airplanes it'll fly on 339 air-routes, including 286 domestic lines and 53 international ones staffed with more than 20,000 employees.

The second group takes China Eastern Airlines as its mainstay in combination with Yunnan Airlines and China Northwest Airlines to form a new aviation group. The total assets after reorganization will be 47.3 billion yuan. The group will have 118 planes to cover 437 air-routes, of which 383 are domestic routes and the rest international and regional ones with more than 25,000 employees dancing on the attendance.

The third one comprises of China Southern Airlines, the foundation of the group, Northern Airlines and Xinjiang Airlines. The gross assets will amount to 50.1 billion yuan. It will have 180 airplanes covering 606 air-routes, which include 512 domestic ones and 94 international and regional. The group will have more than 34,000 employees.

After the reshaping, the three aviation groups are free to arrange their transportation forces and adjust air-routes and flights according to the needs as shown in the aviation transportation market and regional disparities. With Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou as three large aviation hinges, a national airlines network will come into being.

The program also plans to merge China Civil Aviation Computer Information Center and China Aviation Accounting Center to form China Civil Aviation Information Services (Group) Corporation. The gross assets of the corporation will be 5.3 billion yuan. The China Aviation Oil Corporation and China Aviation Supplies Imports & Exports Corporation will also be merged for the establishment of China Civil Aviation Support Services (Group) Corporation with its assets coming to 10.6 billion yuan.

By PD Online staff member Du Minghua

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