Peru's Ex-President Fujimori Accused of Corruption

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori will be charged with corruption and transferring public funds abroad, judicial sources said on Friday.

Luis Vargas Valdivia, assistant prosecutor in the case of former presidential advisor Vladimiro Montesinos, said that Fujimori not only allowed corruption activities to occur, but also participated in them during his 10-year rule from 1990 to 2000.

He said an anonymous witness under special protection confirmed a series of actions related to Fujimori's participation in channeling public funds abroad, a crime which Montesinos also committed.

Montesinos, power broker behind Fujimori, has been on the run and is allegedly hiding in Venezuela under the name of Manuel Rodriguez Perez. Peru announced a reward of 5 million U.S. dollars Friday for information leading to his arrest.

Vargas said the prosecution is expected to issue a denunciation of the former president next week.

After his destitution last November, Fujimori, who fled to his ancestral country of Japan, faces a number of constitutional denunciations and criminal processes in Peru.

Anti-corruption Prosecutor Ana Cecilia Magallanes is investigating a central bank senior official for his supposed responsibility in the irregular withdrawal of gold ingots, supposedly to benefit Fujimori.

People's Daily Online ---