Senior Official Urges Rectification of Government Malfeasance

A national conference on stopping and rectifying malfeasance in certain government departments and trades concluded Friday in Nanjing.

Wang Zhongyu, state councilor and secretary-general of the State Council, told the conference that rectification of government malfeasance is a critical task affecting the benefits and interests of the general public.

He said that eliminating misconduct by government officials will have a huge positive influence on China's social stability and economic development, and should be viewed as one of the vital missions of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council.

The state councilor positively evaluated China's drive against government wrongdoing so far.

He said that the CPC and the State Council have always attached great importance to malfeasance rectification and will continue their support for relevant tasks.

Cooperation and support from the public also constitute critical driving forces for China's anti-misconduct campaign.

Wang added that the country's ongoing drive to regulate the market may facilitate the war against malfeasance by government officials because both actions aim to safeguard the fundamental interests of the country and the people.

People's Daily Online ---