Taiwan Affairs Office Spokesman on Taiwan Issue

Nothing, either "Taiwan independence" forces, separatist forces or any foreign forces, can stand in the way of China's reunification, said a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Friday.

The Chinese people have never given in before foreign pressure or threats, Zhang Mingqing told a press conference, when answering a question from the press about U.S. President George W. Bush's recent remarks on the Taiwan issue.

A reporter asked Zhang to comment on the remarks that the United States would help "defend" Taiwan and interfere in the solution of the Taiwan issue with military force.

Zhang said that the Taiwan issue is an internal affair of China, adding that "Taiwan, a part of China's territory, is by no means a 'protectorate' of the United States."

He noted that U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and the erroneous remarks of the U.S. president were a gross interference in China's internal affairs, serious violation of China's sovereignty and an act to obstruct China's peaceful reunification.

He said that by purchasing such a large quantity of offensive weaponry, the Taiwan authorities just want to resist reunification with their weapons. This would trigger off a tense situation in the Taiwan Straits and would result in extremely serious consequences, he added.

The wrong decision made by the US government on arms sales to Taiwan will certainly seriously harm Sino-US relations, aggravate the tense situation in the Taiwan Straits, and endanger the peace of the Asia-Pacific region, he said.

If the Taiwan authorities truly want to guarantee the safety of the Taiwan compatriots, they should recognize the one-China policy and realize the reunification of the motherland.

"It is not reliable to depend on foreign weapons or foreigners," Zhang said. "The plot, which is doomed to failure, will only increase tension in the Straits."

Zhang reaffirmed that there will be no way to begin negotiations as long as the Taiwan authorities do not accept the one-China policy.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/