Die-hard Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong to Be Discarded

HK newspapers pointed out that if Falun Gong practitioners insist on continuing with their illegal anti-China activities and undermining Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, they are bound to be discarded by Hong Kong people.

Most HK newspapers published the solemn statement of Tung Chee Hwa, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

In the statement issued Wednesday Tung stressed that the SAR government will observe closely the activities of the Falun Gong in HK, and will not permit them to abuse HK’s freedoms and tolerance to affect public peace and order in the SAR or in the mainland.

Wen Wei Po noted that Falun Gong members' activities went beyond purely religious activities or physical exercise and represented a deliberate move to undermine the relationship between HK and the central government.

It added that those activities went against the interests of the HKSAR and its people, and were unacceptable to the community.

Wen Wei Po and Hong Kong Commercial Daily also reported that the HK police have worked out a detailed plan in case of any possible situation and taken effective measures to ensure that the annual Fortune Global Forum, to be held in HK, will be free from interference.

An editorial of Ta Kung Pao said the Fortune Global Forum is an important international meeting and will bring interests and opportunities to HK people. But it is taken by Falun Gong practitioners as the target of their interference and sabotage.

“This has laid bare the true nature of the Falun Gong cult”, it continued, “Therefore, the HKSAR government and people must watch out closely the activities of the Falun Gong in HK and take preventive legal measures if possible.”

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/