HK Makes Much Progress in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: SpokesmanThe government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has take many steps to the maximum of its available resources, to achieve progressively the full realization of the rights recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).A United Nation Committee of experts will consider the Hong Kong SAR government's report under the ICESCR during a hearing to be held in Geneva this Friday and next Monday. A government delegation, led by W K Lam, secretary for home affairs and comprising officials from Department of Justice and various policy bureaux, will attend the hearing and answer questions that the committee may raise. A government spokesman said much progress has been made and he also listed some of the legislative improvements that have been made in the last five years. In the field of employment, the spokesman said remedies for unreasonable dismissal have been created, statutory entitlements, such as maternity leave benefits and protection, long service payment and payment of wages, have been improved and mandatory safety training has been introduced in several industries. Occupational safety and health requirements have been extended to all workplaces, the rights of trade unions and their members have been strengthened, the spokesman said, adding that the procedures for settling trade disputes have been improved. In relation to social security, the spokesman said, significant progress has been made in respect of retirement protection in the form of the new Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme. Improvements have also been made in respect of employees' sickness allowances, compensation for injuries at work, and occupational deafness, he added. The spokesman noted that health of the community has received additional protection through the regulation of Chinese medicines, increased controls over air and marine pollution, further restrictions on cigarette smoking and advertising, and the enactment of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance. Scientific progress, in the form of human reproductive technology, is being regulated in respect of commercial surrogacy arrangements, he said. And the rights of authors of literary and artistic productions have been protected by the enactment of comprehensive local laws relating to copyright, patents, registered designs and trade marks, he added. The spokesman said although legislation is an important means of implementing rights under the covenant, it is not the only means. "In recent years, progress has been made in many areas through administrative measures adopted by the government, often with the assistance of non-government organizations." He said that the account of progress does not indicate complacency on the part of the government. "We are acutely aware that there are many vulnerable groups in our society who need help, and that many people are still suffering from the economic downturn. We must continue to find ways to raise the standard of living of the needy, to improve our education system, and to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor." The ICESCR is one the six major human right treaties that apply to Hong Kong. It has done so since 1976. |
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