US Urged to Draw Lesson from Plane Collision Incident

An editorial carried in Babel, the leading newspaper, points out that the collision incident in which a US spy plane hit a Chinese fighter over south China's Hainan Island is not over yet.

However, the US does not seem to draw a lesson from the incident to halt spy activities on China, it says.

The editorial notes: "China is a power and one with nuclear weapons. In the eyes of the US, whoever is strong constitutes threat to its security. Therefore, the US really wishes to conduct reconnaissance on the whole world, even including its European allies, let alone China."

It also says that if the US continues to log surveillance flights on China after apologizing to China for the collision incident, the situation in the region will not be eased, and the Sino-US relations will not be improved. Similar incidents are certain to occur again.

People's Daily Online ---