Prostitution Organizer in Beijing Sentenced to Death

The Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court has sentenced to death the ringleader of a gang forcing women including minors to serve as prostitutes.

The culprit, by the name of Miao Changshui, was also deprived of his political rights for life and all his personal property confiscated.

Miao was the manager of the Jinbao Restaurant in Shijingshan District of the city.

Between October of 1999 and March of 2000, he and his wife, Geng Xiuzhen, together with four other criminals to coerce four young women and two minors to serve as prostitutes in the restaurant and other places, by restricting personal freedom, beating them and monitoring them.

Miao also raped a young woman and incited his accomplices to beat up the victims.

The court sentenced Miao's wife to 15 years in prison, with her political rights deprived for three years and given a 30,000 yuan (3,614.50 US dollars) fine.

Another four criminals involved in the case were also punished severely and fined heavily.

People's Daily Online ---